Saturday, March 7, 2015

October 2013 part 2

Oops…. I had already written this post….. might as well post it too!

Big events of Ocotober included  William turning THREE MONTHS, and Halloween!!  And I had to go back to work, so we have been so lucky to have my Dad up to stay with the boys on Mondays, and my Mom with the boys on Wednesdays and Fridays.  They go to the JCC (Jewish Community Center) on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and we couldn't be happier with our setup.  Ben has flourished at the JCC, and he runs into class now, starts playing with his friends, and doesn't even give me a hug any more unless I ask specifically (small sadness for me ... but I know I should be mostly happy :) ).

LOOK AT THIS FACE!  Gosh, he is adorable.

and William LOVES watching his big brother.  Ben will just dance around, usually talking baby talk to William (where did he pick that up??) and William just smiles and giggles at Ben.

Ben loves dressing himself, and we honestly never know what he will be wearing coming out of his room.  Here he had on his green overalls and was completely naked underneath (see pic below).... :)  SO CUTE.


Ben practicing sliding.  He is really good at it!    I can still see him as the next St. Paul legend  Joe Mauer.

Ben's fancy hair cut  ---- SO STYLISH.  She gave him a little hair-do after, and Ben was pretty proud of it.  He was showing off his hair and sporting some Mommy sunglasses.

and Ben loves his robe too, that Oma gave him.  He is so cute when he wears it.

William is just learning how to play in his jumper!  We had to put the phone book under his feet, like with Ben, but not for long.  He is a very tall baby.

Ben got a Packers uniform, and he loves playing dress up with it.  He likes to be Aaron Rodgers, throw the ball, and he likes to tackle.  Oh, and he loves the Lambeau Leap too. :)

Sleeping Baby

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