Wednesday, May 18, 2011

3 MONTHS OLD! Looking back on Benjamin's last month...

From Mom: "It is so hard to believe my little baby is already 3 months old. He is such an amazement to Patrick and me. He is so expressive now, and is exploring so many more things. One day, I watched him have a conversation with the ceiling - he laughed and talked to the ceiling for so long :). He has discovered his hands --- he loves to hold them together and looks at them a little cross-eyed. So adorable. And he really studies things - it is amazing. He loves to bat at toys and is starting to grab toys and flail them around. Benjamin is SO strong - the pediatician yesterday said he is surprisingly strong. And growing - he weighs 14 lbs already!

Because I am back at work as of last week, Benjamin is now enjoying daycare 3 days a week and time with Grandma and Grandpa Marso 2 days a week. He loves both so much, but I really LOVE to have him back with me every night.

Enjoy some pictures of him from the last month! See how he has grown!

Benjamin, you are the most fabulous thing in my life, and I love you SO MUCH!"

May 15, 2011

tummy time at 3 months...

THis was taken after Benjamin's 2 month shots. He was such a trooper -- he SCREAMED for about 2 minutes, and then was happy again. But this face.... such a sad little guy!

tummy time at 2 months....

April 15, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Playing with my Grandpa!

Happy (Belated) Easter!

Happy Easter, just a little late! I had such a GREAT first Easter with 2 weekends worth of Easter fun,and it is all documented below.

This is my Easter outfit, with these pictures taken while at my Great Aunt Linda's house. Aren't I just slick looking?

Everyone especially loved the butt picture....

Our Easter family picture!

I love Mommy....

And Daddy!

My Great Grandma Bernie, with me all cuddled in the blanket that Auntie Amber made me!

Celebrating Easter with Grandma and Grandpa Marso, Aunt Michelle, Uncle John, Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Steve, and cousin Elli. Oh, and Mommy and Daddy, of course.

Next weekend, we went to Des Moines and Cedar Rapids. It was my FIRST trip out of town overnight, and it was so much fun. I got to spend time with my awesome cousin, Owen. He and I are going to be trouble some day :)

This was taken moments before cousin Owen knocked me a good on on the face!

My first time in a hotel room, and I CONKED out immediately!

Daddy and me in the hotel room the next day. Fun!

Four Generations, with Grandpa and Great Grandpa!

Naked time with Grandpa

and i LOVED cuddlig with my Great Grandpa Wesley. It was so much fun to meet him and spend time with him.