Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Moments with Ben

There are some things I just don't want to forget with Ben.  He is at the most amazing age right now, where he is putting full sentences together easily, coming up with his own lyrics to songs, giving a LOT of hugs, peeing in the big boy potty, and expanding his interest in food.  Just the other day, we were in the car and the sun was in his eyes, so he said "the sun blinding Ben's eyes".  Where did he come up with that??!?  Or just now, he went to his room to look for his baseball cap, and came back and said "I no find Ben's baseball hat" --- that is amazing to me that he can say full sentences, and make sense when doing it!  And he is so independent, he wants to do everything himself. I have really enjoyed my Spring Break home with him, and am looking forward to maternity leave!!  :)

A few of my favorite things:

1.  His LOVE for his little baby brother.  He talks to my belly, sings to him (Twinkle Twinkle, ABCS, and Hey Jude), and just today, he brought over his little Teddy Bear, and put the bear on my belly and said, "Here you go, Baby".  SO PRECIOUS.
2.  His passionate singing.  He really gets into it, and sometimes sings songs like "Hey Jude" and often just makes up his own lyrics.
3.  He still loves books so so much.  We read books starting right when we wake up, all the way until the last moments of the day.  And he knows so many words to so many books, and will often read parts of them along with us.  It is so special.
4.  As a family, we have started using the word "so" a lot.  So if something is funny, Ben will smile and say "so funny" ...  or "so fun" if something is enjoyable.  it is adorable!
5.  He still (and I think will always) have an obsession for sports.  We play baseball and hockey and basketball many MANY times every day, intermingled with some Legos, drawing, blocks, Little People, trucks, and play-doh.  But let me tell you, the kid has got a BULLET for an arm.... and amazing hand/eye coordination.

Pretty good rhythm......

Friday, March 22, 2013


So I know I am totally skipping a ton of really exciting events that have happened since my last post, but I am so incredibly excited about what happened an hour ago, that I have to write a quick post.  :)  On Monday, we decided to start trying to potty train Ben. I spent the first day back and forth from the living room to the potty, and ended the day with 11 wet underpants.  On Tuesday, we were down to 4, and by Wednesday.... NO WET UNDIES!  So he figured out how to pee pretty quickly, but he never pooped.  and was quite constipated, I'm sure.  We gave him water, berries, broccoli, even Miralax (doc's orders) and fiber bars, and nothing. for 3 1/2 days.

Until today!  He went poop on the potty!  Not a ton, but enough to give me some hope!  Good job, Ben, we are SO PROUD OF YOU!  :)

Fun mommy and daddy moments....!