So I know I am totally skipping a ton of really exciting events that have happened since my last post, but I am so incredibly excited about what happened an hour ago, that I have to write a quick post. :) On Monday, we decided to start trying to potty train Ben. I spent the first day back and forth from the living room to the potty, and ended the day with 11 wet underpants. On Tuesday, we were down to 4, and by Wednesday.... NO WET UNDIES! So he figured out how to pee pretty quickly, but he never pooped. and was quite constipated, I'm sure. We gave him water, berries, broccoli, even Miralax (doc's orders) and fiber bars, and nothing. for 3 1/2 days.
Until today! He went poop on the potty! Not a ton, but enough to give me some hope! Good job, Ben, we are SO PROUD OF YOU! :)
Fun mommy and daddy moments....!
Hooray Ben!! We are so proud of you!!!!