Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Happy Boy

Life has been so amazing and fun these last few months.  Every new moment I have with Ben feels like the best, and then, somehow, it gets even better.  Ben is now 14 months, and he is so active and engaged. His two favorite things to play with are balls and books.  He is such a little 'boy' with throwing and running after balls.  And the kid has got an arm!!  But he has this soft side too, and he just sits down and looks at a book, flips through it, and babbles away.  When he is done, he closes the book and says "all done".  It is the sweetest thing.  

Ben also is 5 weeks into swimming lessons, and he is so amazing!  Just last Sunday, he went under water for  FIVE SECONDS!  And he was just fine with it.  Not that I am competitive, but he is the star of the class - the most any other kid has gone under is only for three seconds.... :)  

Daddy, Ben and I have just been having so much FUN together.  We laugh, run, chase, go for walks, look at animals, and talk.  Here are some pics of my handsome little MAN.

 Here is Ben doing the back float in swimming lessons

He is climbing on EVERYTHING!  and getting a lot of bumps and bruises, but no bandaids yet! 

He looks like such a little man in the this picture.... 

So happy when he is just waking up!

Beautiful boy 

He loves climbing/walking up our front hill now.  He has amazing balance. 

We were at the zoo looking at the cows, and I feel like Ben is giving a "hats off" to Grandpa Maurer and the farm. 

This bear just swam around Ben staring at him for 10-15 minutes, and some other kids were scared, but not Ben.  He just sat there and stared at him, pointing, and sometimes saying "greta".  :)

Think Ben will make Grandpa Scott proud and play some baseball over the year?  I do!

Ben RUNNING down the sidewalk.  And some size perspective with Daddy in the picture.  He is still such a little guy!

I feel so lucky to have such an amazing family.  My favorite moments are the hugs and kisses I get from both my son and my husband.  I am blessed!

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