Tuesday, August 16, 2011

6 Months Old!

Hi all! It's been awhile, and there is a LOT going on! First of all, I went to my 6 month appointment and I am still growing! I weighed 19 lbs 8 oz, in the 80%, and was in the 75% for height and the 90-95th% for head size!! I have these adorable cheeks and big tonka thighs. What else is new? I have started eating more foods - squash, peas, sweet potatoes... i've tried pears and apples, but I don't really like them. i now have TWO teeth. I get up on all 4s, and am just STARTING to figure out how to put a knee in front of the other. I can army scoot across the floor, forward, which is a huge new thing for me! I sleep through the night --- about 12 hours ---and I am napping SO much better. I can sit up by myself. I love to jump on everything (with support!). I laugh a lot, and my parents LOVE ME SO MUCH!!!


Mommy with my little cousin, Griffin!

My friend, Emma, holding me at SPA's graduation. She's going to babysit me someday!!

With Grandma Oma at a music festival by her new St. Paul condo

When i just started to sit up at 4 1/2 months.

When i first found BOTH my feet (4 1/2 months)

future soccer champ!

reading with Grandpa

Check out the t-shirt Granpa is wearing! Look familiar?

Playing with Grandma and my best friend, Jolly the Giraffe

fun in the activity chair --- 5 Months!!

When I first started sleeping on my belly at 5 months. Mom didn't want to wake me, so she took a picture of the monitor :)

Grandma's 70th birthday party. Let's play "Where's Ben?"

Mommy and Baby Chloe!!!! (Auntie Kim's little girl)

Getting Bigger!

i am sucking on my thumb more and more

6 Months!

One of Mommy's favorite pictures - of her two favorite guys.

Love to all!!! -Benjamin

Monday, August 8, 2011

Meeting the Idaho clan - and other family time!

So in the middle of July, I FINALLY got to meet my cousins Katherine and Welsey, my Uncle Matt, and my Auntie Melanie. It was SO MUCH FUN! They loved me so much, and both Katherine and Welsey wanted to hold me al the time. I think I am the luckiest kid in the world! We all hung out and had the best time, incluing cousin Owen.

Katherine held me a ton.....

and even fed me!

and played with me while I was in the Johnny Jump Up.

Great Grandpa Wesley came too! and Auntie Sarah and Aunt Jane --- all the way from Memphis! But Mommy forgot to get a picture of them :(

But we get to see them again in Memphis over Christmas, so I'll make sure we get tons of pics then!

Daddy getting some cuddle and play time with Wesley


just the guys

Daddy, Great Grandpa, and ME!

me and my cousins - tough shot to get!

take 2

Grandpa and all his grandchildren!

I fell asleep in Grandpa's arms, and Wesley was patting my back to help me stay asleep. so sweet. He also sang "Goodnight Sweetheart" and Katherine sang a beautiful song to help me get to sleep one night.

Great Grandma Bernie and ALL her great grand babies!!!
We got to have a picnic at her house, and it was one of the hottest days of the summer, and we had a pool outside!

Auntie Mel got me to sleep (she has a magic mommy touch!) and Uncle Matt kept me sleeping. I'm so happy to have them!

Crazy Cousin Owen!

Cool Cousin Welsey!

Beautiful Cousin Katherine


They attempted to get a good picture of Grandma Oma and her grandkiddies....but it proved hard to do!