Thursday, September 19, 2013

Other pics of the boys from WIll's first month

Both William and Ben had a fantastic summer, and here are some more pictures during William's first month here.  Enjoy!

Ben and Daddy LOVE to cook together.  Below, they were making COOKIES!  Ben is always so excited to help.  

All Ben wants to do is cuddle with the baby.  All the time.  Sometimes too much. :)  Here, he was SO proud to show William his big boy bed.  And the fact that William laid down with him for a little bit... well, that was just simply the best.

We had such a great time when the Schreiner clan from Iowa came to visit us soon after William's birth.   One of the best things was that the kids has a slumber party -- Ben's first sleepover!  As you can see below, both Owen and Eden made their beds on the floor in Ben's room, and they all napped and slept in the same room.  It was a riot to watch Eden and Owen on the monitor --- they were having stuffed animal fights, doing a little wrestling.... all the while, Ben just stayed right in his bed, presumably watching :)

We took the boys to the Como zoo, and our favorite exhibit was the gorillas.  How cool are they!!?!

Model child....

This is Ben's sticker wall for going poopy on the toilet.  He really is quite proud of it!

Funny story.  When we were in Iowa for Eden's 2nd birthday, Ben had a melt down in the middle of the night that lasted over an hour, and then  I was also up with William in the middle of the night.  So in the morning, my mom was nice enough to take William while Ben and I slept in a little.  But since we had the clothes and diapers in our room, they had to improvise.  Below is Baby William wearing Eden's KU t-shirt, and a diaper that Jenny got during a baby shower.  I think it is SO FUNNY that is says "Tickle Me" on the front of the diaper....

More pictures and stories to come!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Many visitors!

We have had so many people come to see William and Benjamin!  Our boys are so loved. :)

In the hospital:

At home:

This is Aunt Doris -- my Grandpa Dorvin's sister!  She was on a trip with Mom, Grandma Bernie, and Linda down to Branson, so she was able to stop in and hold William.  She was a natural!

So cute how Ben wanted to read his baseball book to William

Dad and William sleeping together - adorable.  (at least, William is!) :)

The Brewtons visit!  Katie, Tyler, Emma and Jack

Auntie Kim loving up William, and Vicki below

Elli and Griffin were so excited to meet William, but they had the most fun playing with Ben!

While we were in Des Moines, Grandma Bernie got to hold William for a lot of the time!  We were so lucky she was there to give him cuddles and love.

I just LOVE this picture of Eden -- this was her 2nd BIRTHDAY!

Ben and Owen eating birthday spaghetti for Eden's birthday.  Ben actually took one bite, but didn't like it all that much.